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MWSnap Configuration
MWSnap is a neat tool to print your screen or any part of the screen that you see. This is very handy to capture small portions of text or to grab a picture out of a web page or anything you see on your screen. Here's how MWSnap looks after you open it:
Here's how I set it up to be more handy. On the top toolbar select Tools and Hotkeys. Set it as shown below:
I basically only use the "Any area" and "Window menu" options. Set it as shown above and click Ok
Now go to top toolbar again and select Tools and Settings. Set the General tab as shown below:
Changed the settings on the General tab to those shown above then click the Snapping tab to see below:
Changed the settings on the Snapping tab to those shown above and click Ok.
You should now have a little camera icon down by the clock. If you don't, then restarting your computer should fix that.
To capture an open window on your screen, hold down your control key and click the W key. Click with your mouse inside the window you want and MWSnap should open up with the window captured. Click the Print or Save As button. Note: when printing you may have to adjust the size to be legible on the printed page. I usually select the Fit to page option as shown below.:
To capture a
rectangular area of your choosing, (the option I use the most) hold down your
control key and click the P key. Place the crosshairs in the upper left hand
corner of what you want to draw a box around and click your mouse button.
continue to hold the mouse button down and drag you mouse to the bottom right
area of the box you want to capture. Hold your mouse steady, unclick the mouse
button and click it one more time to capture the window in the MWSnap program.
Click the Print or Save As button. Note: when printing you may have to
adjust the size to be legible on the printed page. I usually select the Fit to
page option as shown above.
Click Here to download MWSnap. You Are visitor number
trademarks used are properties of their respective owners. Last modified: June 19, 2014 |