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Delete Remove Index.dat Files
Here's what you can do to automatically wipe out the index.dat files on a Windows 2000 Professional or a Windows XP Professional machine during each shutdown. This automatic method does not work on Windows XP Home edition.
Instructions for Windows XP Home users:
Windows XP Home users can delete the files manually. Follow the instructions below to create the IndexDat.cmd file. Save the edited IndexDat.cmd file to your hard drive at the root of C:\. Reboot your PC and when your PC is just starting to bootup, you can keep tapping F8 until you see the Windows Advanced Options Menu. Use your arrow keys to choose "Safe Mode with Command Prompt" and press Enter. At the C:\ prompt type "C:\indexdat.cmd" without the quotes and press enter to run the IndexDat.cmd file. After the script has run, press Ctrl->Alt->Delete on your keyboard and select Shut Down->Restart to restart your PC.
Instructions for Windows 2000/XP Professional users:
Index.dat files keep a
record of every website you have ever visited and the one in the Content.ie5
folder just keeps growing and growing. It's OK to delete the Index.dat files as
windows will created new empty files after rebooting. Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Cookies\index.dat" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\UserData\index.dat" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Cookies\index.dat" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Default User\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5\index.dat" Del "C:\Documents and Settings\Local Service\Cookies\index.dat"
You can download this
file by clicking HERE.
Unzip it, right click the file and choose Edit from the menu to edit the file. In notepad Save the file
with the file name "IndexDat.cmd" (with the quotes). Your file should now be named IndexDat.cmd.
It should not be named IndexDat.cmd.txt. or C:\Windows\System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Shutdown
depending on where you
operating system resides.
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