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Internet Explorer 8 or 7 RemovalHow to Uninstall or Remove Internet Explorer 8 or 7
Note: If you are running Vista, you cannot install Internet Explorer 6. The earliest version of Internet Explorer for Vista is 7. If you have installed Internet Explorer versions 7 or 8 and don't like it, you can remove them as follows. Vista: Go into Control Panel and double click
"Programs and Features". Look in the left hand column and click on
"View Installed Updates". Find "Windows Internet Explorer 8" on the list,
double-click it. In the Uninstall an update dialogue box, click Yes. Follow
the prompts to uninstall it. Note that on Vista the earliest version of Internet
Explorer is version 7. You cannot remove version 7 and go to version 6. You can
however uninstall version 8 and you will automatically revert back to version 7.
( ) You
cannot uninstall Internet Explorer 7 or Internet Explorer 8 after you
install Windows XP Service Pack 3
Note: Click HERE for instructions if you want to reinstall a full version of Internet Explorer 6 (Not For Vista) You Are visitor number to this Web page.
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